====================================================================== Title: Kafka: toward a minor literature Date: 2022-03-14 Tags: philosophy, box3 Link: https://spool-five.com/box3/20220314t000000--kafka-toward-a-minor-literature__philosophy_box3/ Word Count: 587 ====================================================================== :END: #books[1] #philosophy[2] =>[1] https://spool-five.com/box3/20220530t000000--books__box3/ =>[2] https://spool-five.com/box3/20220602t000000--philosophy__box3/ -Clippings- -p. 17- > The second characteristic of minor literatures is that everything in > them is po- > litical. In major literatures, in contrast, the individual concern > (familial, marital, > and so on) joins with other no less individual concerns, the social > milieu serving > as a mere environment or a background; this is so much the case that none of > these Oedipal intrigues are specifically indispensable or absolutely > necessary but > all become as one in a large space. Minor literature is completely > different; its > cramped space forces each individual intrigue to connect immediately > to politics. > The individual concern thus becomes all the more necessary, indispensable, > It is literature that produces an active solidarity in spite of > skepticism; and > if the writer is in the margins or completely outside his or her fragile > community, this situation allows the writer all the more the possibility to > express another possible community and to forge the means for another > consciousness and another sensibility; just as the dog of "Investigations" > calls > out in his solitude to _another science_. -p. 18 - subjectless- > machine thus becomes the relay for a revolutionary machine-to-come, > not at all > for ideological reasons but because the literary machine alone is > determined to > fill the conditions of a collective enunciation that is lacking > elsewhere in this > milieu: literature is the people's concern.3 It is certainly in these > terms that > Kafka sees the problem. The message doesn't refer back to an enunciating sub- > ject who would be its cause, no more than to a subject of the statement > (sujet > d'enonce) who would be its effect. Undoubtedly, for a while, Kafka > thought ac- > cording to these traditional categories of the two subjects, the author > and the > hero, the narrator and the character, the dreamer and the one dreamed > of.4 But > he will quickly reject the role of the narrator, just as he will refuse > an author's > or master's literature, despite his admiration for Goethe. Josephine > the mouse > renounces the individual act of singing in order to melt into the > collective enunci- > ation of "the immense crowd of the heros of [her] people." A movement from > the individuated animal to the pack or to a collective multiplicity > —seven canine > musicians. In "The Investigations of a Dog," the expressions of the solitary > researcher tend toward the assemblagof a collective enunciation > of the canine species even if this collectivity is no longer or not > yet given. There > isn't a subject; there are only collective assemblages of enunciation, > and litera- > ture expresses these acts insofar as they're not imposed from without > and insofar > as they exist only as diabolical powers to come or revolutionary forces > to be con- > structed. Kafka's solitude opens him up to everything going on in > history today. > The letter K no longer designates a narrator or a character but an assemblage > that becomes all the more machine-like, an agent that becomes all the > more col- > lective because an individual is locked into it in his or her solitude > (it is only > in connection to a subject that something individual would be separable > from the > collective and would lead its own life). > The three characteristics of minor literature are the deterritorialization > of lan- -p. 18 three characteristics- > The three characteristics of minor literature are the deterritorialization > of lan- > guage, the connection of the individual to a political immediacy, and > the collec- > tive assemblage of enunciation.