====================================================================== Title: Box 3 Date: 2022-06-04 Tags: box3 Link: https://spool-five.com/box3/20220604t000000--box-3__box3/ Word Count: 203 ====================================================================== The Box 3 portion of this website[1] is my attempt at creating an online directory of personal knowledge notes. It comprises one section of my personal notes management system[2]. =>[1] https://spool-five.com =>[2] https://spool-five.com/box3/20220604t000003--personal-notes-management-system__box3/ It is inspired by "Digital Gardens" like evergreen notes[3] and Nikita's Knowledge Wiki[4], but on a much smaller scale. It might be more appropriate to say it is directly inspired by m150's wiki on ichi.city[5]. =>[3] https://notes.andymatuschak.org/Evergreen_notes =>[4] https://wiki.nikiv.dev/ =>[5] https://m15o.ichi.city/site/wiki.html Most of the code for this site is taken from Jethro Kuan's personal knowledge notes[6]. Jethro Kuan[7] also happens to be the creator of Org Roam[8], which was the tool that started me down the track of Zettelkasten[9] note-taking. I now use denote[10]. =>[6] https://braindump.jethro.dev/ =>[7] https://www.jethro.dev/ =>[8] https://spool-five.com/box3/20220604t000002--org-roam__org_box3/ =>[9] https://spool-five.com/box3/20210619t000004--zettelkasten-method__box3/ =>[10] https://protesilaos.com/emacs/denote Finally, my intention here is to not simply replicate knowledge which is readily available elsewhere. So, my emphasis will be on the term _personal_ in 'personal knowledge' and the various topics which you my find here are somewhere between knowledge and opinion.