====================================================================== Title: 210 - Final Transmission Date: 2021-07-23 Link: https://spool-five.com/fiction/orestes/210/ Word Count: 407 ====================================================================== -Transmission Log - Orestes- -Author: Green- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Date:** January 11 2200 (Earth Standard Time) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's been five years since Olive left us. I'm surprised Pink hung on for so long. It hit us both so hard. We found her last log on here and tried to retrace her steps to the 'cave'. We tried for three years. There is no door, or cave, or anything, anywhere around Orestes. Only crystals and rocks. God knows what really happened to her. Pink's been gone for a week now. I can only presume she's dead. There's nothing here left to live for. Pink and I actually managed to reconnect over these past few years. We were both grief-stricken, but we were together in that at least. I miss her a lot now. I miss them both. There is only one option for me now. After spending all those years searching for signs of Pink, I returned to the dig site. There was nothing else to do really. During the days I dug. At nights I held Pink as she sobbed. I finally hit something, about three weeks ago. I can only describe it as a huge, living 'vein'. A throbbing, red tube filled with liquid. If I had to guess, I would say it's some kind of mega-structure that feeds the crystal growths, though I'm still not sure how. The crystals themselves only extend about a foot below where they grow. Anyway, I had nothing left to lose, so I hacked into the tube. I gathered some of the liquid and started running tests on it. It burns, hot. I eventually figured out I could use it as fuel. We had already re-constructed Ruby's old ship a few years ago. There was nothing to power it, so I don't know why we did it. Maybe just an attempt to restore some order to the chaos around here. I'll gather up as much liquid as I can, and try my best to fly off somewhere. The plan was already forming two weeks ago and I was going to tell Pink all about it. She left before I could. I don't even know how it'll work in the ship's engines, but if you don't here from me again it means I've gone on to better places. Green signing off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Sent via the QEC*