Spool Five


Finally, our optional prompt for the day asks you to play with rhyme. Start by creating a “word bank” of ten simple words. They should only have one or two syllables apiece. Five should correspond to each of the five senses (i.e., one word that is a thing you can see, one word that is a type of sound, one word that is a thing you can taste, etc). Three more should be concrete nouns of whatever character you choose (i.e., “bridge,” “sun,” “airplane,” “cat”), and the last two should be verbs. Now, come up with rhymes for each of your ten words. (If you’re having trouble coming up with rhymes, the wonderful Rhymezone is at your service). Use your expanded word-bank, with rhymes, as the seeds for your poem. Your effort doesn’t actually have to rhyme in the sense of having each line end with a rhymed word, but try to use as much soundplay in your poem as possible.

Word Bank

  • purple
  • jasmine
  • feathery
  • bitter
  • tinny
  • canal
  • grain
  • vase
  • pray
  • listen


  • circle
  • salmon
  • weathering
  • babysitter
  • mini
  • regal
  • rain
  • plays
  • stay
  • glisten
Each vase filled to the brim with grain
A young boy plays at dodging the rain
Nothing is left for the babysitter to do
A bitter truth learned on lazy days like this

Related to the scent of jasmin
Mixed with sound of salmon frying
In the next room. Mother returned already
He begs her not to leave again, prays that she stays

He listens to gentle voice as oil glistens on the pan
and some shoots out making way toward
steel canals of sink, her regal eyes imparting wisdom
That he was not ready, nor wanted to hear

The rain starts to subside, he returns to yard
A mini bird has perched on the stump he likes to sit on
It's feathery brest is white in afternoon light
And a half circle appears in last rain-drops
Purple and red and yellow and bright.

Sat Apr 13, 2024 - 328 Words