Spool Five


Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a platonic love poem. In other words, a poem not about a romantic partner, but some other kind of love – your love for your sister, or a friend, or even your love for a really good Chicago deep dish pizza. The poem should be written directly to the object of your affections (like a letter is written to “you”), and should describe at least three memories of you engaging with that person/thing.

I was back in my home county of Donegal this past weekend. The weather was unusually nice, so I had the chance to experience it at its full beauty.


On gray days, you seem infinitely wide
Hills rolling like gentle ripples across
A rock pool underneath drizzle and mist
Emptied by sun, refilled by roaring tide 

All of a sudden, on a clear, still day 
The curtains of mystery depart and
Your true breadth is revealed, from cove to cove
across lakes and in uncanny ways 

through old, resting geological forms
Sprinkled with sand and shale, held up by loose
threads of heavenskys that betray no sense 
of the certainty that rain will return

Tue Apr 2, 2024 - 196 Words