Spool Five


Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a surreal prose poem. For inspiration, check out Franz Kafka’s collection of short parables (my favorite is “The Green Dragon”).

The link for the great collection of parables mentioned in the prompt is here.

I was late writing this poem, and the main inspiration came from the prompt and this great video on Aeon about Leibniz/monads

That the knots in the sun 
were connected to the path 
that the ant took in cold weather
and further connected still 
to clanging pots and pans 
of kitchen drawer as he readied himself 
to cook for four 

And connected to the constant sound 
The waves made during the evening
While lying on sand dunes after picnic 
and looking at the constellations 
while the ants marched forward still 

That all these things were singular and 
connected at once
is well-understood 
Once in a blue moon

Wed Apr 3, 2024 - 149 Words